June 21, 2014

Compassion in Practice

What kind of world are we living in? America, the most developed country in the world, is supporting rampant obesity and spending billions on war. China, with over 90% of its population educated, is surviving unbelievable pollution and inhumane crimes of food adulteration. India, a democratic country with second-largest population in the world, is battling with political scams and ugly violence towards women.

Most of these crimes have been perpetuated by individuals that have undergone some level of education. That brings us to an important question. Have we, through our current education systems, even been able to make the humans out of our students? Seriously, what good is basic history or science if the citizens haven't even acquired the skill to feel and acknowledge the pain they are causing to others?

Most ill in the world emanates from people's inability to feel the pain of the other beings (humans as well as non humans). I say we should systematically impart compassion as a part of essential psychology into the kids. Make them play games where they see someone in a particular situation and try to imagine how the other person is feeling. Help them get into a habit of noticing other lives and automatically feel their misery or joy. As they grow older the assignments could grow in complexity, or can be coupled with, say, art or poetry assignments.

I think that's a small and non-controversial step that can make a significant difference to ethos of our world.